Sonntag, 4. August 2013

Summerbreak is over :(

hey everyone !
sooo.... it's sunday the 4th august. That means its the last day of our summerholidays. Tomorrow is school -.-
That is not cool.
(3) the breakfast club | Tumblr
But there are two sides. First school is boring and very complicated & holidays are sooo amazing (especially when its really hot in germany !) but on the other hand side, i will see all my friends in school again! ♥ thats cool :) and i'm happy about it !

This Summer was amazing *-*
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What can I tell you?
Hmm well, Paris was amazing *-* Its such a big and beautiful city ! we had a apartement next to sacre coeur. There are somer little very cute streets & all over are crêpes ♥ Love them soo much
we went to the eiffeltower by night, there are no words for it... :OOO
hey, everyvone! :)
yeah... i think thats it for the moment!